Another 5 on 5 review on Goodreads!

Just obtained another 5 on 5 review on Goodreads! This is the next after a string of a few 5 on 5 s. This was a surprising one. I did not see it coming. I did not think I would get a review for a long, long, time.

This one was a lonely 5 on 5.  No words from the reviewer, just the grand star rating. This has been done to me, a few times on my book. Many people do this, and a friend of mine said it was probably an even better thing. A sign of respect.

It is very interesting. And a very good way of just putting the thought out there, that let people see my rating, but the words are not needed to describe it. It was amazing, and that is all they wanted you to know. It may change forever the way I also rate books. Why place my thoughts, or impose them, on your way of thinking.

Should you never read someones reviews before you pick the book up? Would that only allow you to prejudge, or to become imprinted to someone elses prognosis? Would you take a bit from what was reviewed into the book, spoiling your free mind?

Some people may read the reviews first. Take the first bite into the book, with others thoughts dangling over their minds. Maybe you are strong willed. Maybe you can handle the influence.. Or can you? Some debaters will always love debate.

Have a good afternoon, till next time..


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