May work on the Supermarket Guy 4 today.

It is some windy and cold out today. The total opposite to the Central USA heatwave they had, a little while ago. Good day to actually do some writing, again. I will try to write, a page or two. Maybe I will draw out the cover for Part 3 today, it is so hard to decide what to do!  I actually could use some exercise, too. My beer gut is starting to show, a little bit ;)

My Goodreads contest is going alright, with 80 people signed up to win a copy of "The Supermarket Guy 2". The mother in law liked the book, so at least it past the most important test of them all! I sent a version to the United Kingdom to a reviewer today. It cost 9 dollars and some change for the boat voyage, or 17. and some change for the flight. I decided to go first class, and pay for the air mail. Why leave someone wait, that long for an experience that they will never forget! Reading my book..

Yes, this person will give me a review on her blog. I am anxious to see what she thinks of the book. And, as said earlier, I accept all criticism and even some accolades. I respect any opinion, no matter which way it goes. You cannot please everyone, but you try to please most of the readers out there with the best of entertainment you can scrounge from out of the dark recesses of the mind :)  I would like to put allot more comedy on this site, but I try to save it for the books... Hopefully the writers block will go away, so I can continue to write. I had a little bit of that just recently...

I will post the link to her blog here, if and when she finishes...

Have a good day, till next time..


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