Goodreads contest, one day to go!

One day left on my Goodreads Contest!  260 people signed up for to win a book! This is actually, better results than I had expected. I had expected around 150 contestants, so this is a very good result. Mind you, I did not get the thousands that some big titles garner, where only one copy can be won. I offered 10, in my contest wowo. I truly need to thank all of the contestants that have applied.

I am really happy, with the 260 number. Tomorrow, it will be a little higher, and with it being on the "The Contest nearly over" front page tab, it will get even more exposure on its last day on the viewing screen. I have also 3 friends who wish to read it, and approximately 18 people that said they had it on their read lists. This is totally, good news, from a book that was at zero interest for a long, long, time...

I talked to a friend at work the other day, and asked if they seriously liked my book. Once again, they said overwhelmingly, Yes! I said, you are just saying that to make me write more books, as I gave out a laugh. They all laughed at me too, honestly saying, No, we really liked your book... Alright, so I was not set up to publish Part 2  ; )

Have a good night, till next time....


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