Mailed winning books to contestants!

I mailed the winning books today, to the lucky contestants at Goodreads! It costs approximately 9 dollars per mailing address by plane to any destination to the USA. I thought, it was different for the longer distances, but it appears to be not the case. The mailing of the books, to Canada cost probably under 15 dollars for the three books.

It took 40 minutes, to do all the paper work, and such. I had to get one written up for a friend in the USA as well. 11 mailed in that time frame.

I drew out a cover for one of my books today. I decided to do it, before I would forget about the concept. I can add things to the cover, to make it better over time, as the ideas become stronger in time.

I hope you all have a good day. It is hot today in NB, sunny, and the beaches are full. Till next time...


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