Blog Interview July 16 th 9 AM GMT

The fabulous young lady that undertaken my blog interview said it would be ready on July 16 th at 9 AM GMT.  I think the GMT means Greenwich mean time. First time I had seen that one, in a long time. It will be a 4 hour difference, so here it will be 5 AM AST when it is published here. I will post the link, when it actually arrives on the net.

99 contestants on my Goodreads giveaway today. It is such a nice number, hopefully it will stay that way. Bought a book today, Soros on Soros, which was printed in 95. I actually thought it was a new release, but it was on the shelves anew again. I will read this book to find out, what he things on economics and finance back then. Should be interesting.

I also bought a book from a friend of mine, a print on demand one. "Jesus is My Friend" by Gary Lombardi, and I will try to read it with a neutral mind. It should be interesting, as sometimes it is hard to know what to expect from a Religious book. We will see if it is mesmerizing, old school, or trying to divert the course. I was going to buy this book a long time ago, as I promised I would read it in the fall. Took me a long time to get to the book. It takes a week to get here, from the USA. That is all for now...

I hope all goes good this weekend for everyone,  till next time..


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