3 days until my Goodreads Giveaway is History!

I have now 188 people signed up to win a free copy of "The Supermarket Guy 2: Rise of the Market Overlord".  This so far has resulted in 12 people placing it on their read list, and 3 of my friends picking up the book. Not to mention, gaining a few friends on Goodreads in the process.

This is compared to gaining 140 friends on Goodreads with the first book, and gaining 6 friends who offered to read my book- No contest with the first book, something I should have done.

I must be frank, that my contest did not garner a huge sign up tally. Popular books with similar time spans, come out with a thousand or so contestants, while giving away one book. I would say the medium to popular range is from a 400 tally to upwards to a thousand.

Being around where my book has finished, I would have to admit that it is not in the popular genre, of where the thrillers and romances, sci fi are.  But, the contest did help. It helped allot, as I would still be stuck on first base if not for it at all.

I think I must get onto the terror or horror scene of writing. Maybe my next series, will be a thriller. Why not,  maybe I can write that stuff too.  Till next time..


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