2 hours of work for mailing winning books!

It took me approximately 2 hrs to get set up to mail out the winning contestants books. First, just to find the mailing envelopes. They were in the house, somewhere. Big, bulky, bubble style envelopes. Then, to get the printer set up for to print off the winning addresses. My printer was in the other room. After, getting a small thank you letter ready, to be sent to each winner. And, a few postcards to boot, in each envelope. Postcards of my book.

Tomorrow, at the post office, depending how busy they are, it should go through within a half hour or less. The 3 going to Canadian cities, should be very fast. The others, 7 to the USA, will take time in filling out those small sticky forms, and then declare what is inside and the value of such.

I am glad the contest went well. I cannot do one on Part 1, as the Goodreads application form online just allows giveaways for current books or new releases. Part 1, is now, a senior citizen.

I hope you all have a good day, as I will think of having another contest with Part 2, perhaps again before it gets a year old.. Till next time..


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