Worst snow storm yesterday!

That was definitely the worst snow storm we got all year. The year is not over yet, but happy that it is nearly over for the snow. Yesterday we got about over a foot of snow, but the drifting made banks of 4 to 6 feet high in some driveways. The blower works hard, and you have to slice the high banks with a shovel to knock the snow down. Most snow blowers cannot dig into banks that high, you will plug your chute and the snow will collapse over your machine.

It is a wet snow, somewhat. Which makes it even harder for some machines to blow it. When it is a soft, cold snow, it is light and fluffy and the machines can easily propel the snow far onto the side banks.

I did allot of advertising on twitter today. I have 44 friends, some ranging from artists that paint murals, Opera singers, actors, musicians, and business people, and ordinary good people. I rarely go searching for people to join, as I just advertise for my book during the morning, evening, and at night, and when people see the tweets they come a calling. I am unsure what effect it will have on book sales. Up till now, probably none. It will be interesting in the next few weeks to see if it does, create a new awareness. Or, is that awareness of my brand just lost on greater brands of awareness.

I heard that the writer of the bestselling book The Help, was turned down 60 times by literary agents. They all told her, her book would not sell. Then, after the 61 th try, it was taken. She was always told that a story about racial segregation in the South would not sell. A story about Black Caretakers in the south, who did work for Whites and took care of their children. They had a washroom for the whites only, and for the blacks only. Strange world, back then. At any rate, her book was a best seller and made into a movie. Good for this woman, Kathyrn Stockett, did good. And she continues to write. Another thought for the day, never give up. Till then..


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