Book is now in China!

Book is now on the internet on in China!  Thanks China, for opening up your country to Amazon and my book too!

Had some bouef borginion today. A recipe from France, and I know it is spelled wrong. Red wine, beef broth, thyme, garlic, carrots, celery, mushrooms, and beef. Thickened with some flour and water. Placed on top of potatoes, a la mashed. Very good!

Twitter update, I have 25 friends as of late. Even a big fan of Allan Jackson followed me. And, the George Jones site followed me. Also, Cleveland News also followed me. Very interesting, how this twitter works. Anyone can retweet your message, and it can take off through many thousands or hundreds of thousands of directions. I am starting to learn it.. It will not be long, till I am master of it also.. Have a great night, till then...


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