Big time twitter followers following me!

Yes, indeed. Big time twitter followers are following me. First, it was the country legend, George Jones. Then, it was the new rock sensation, Thomas Ian Nicholas. You may know him from American Pie, 1,2 wedding, and reunion. Then, 8090, two of the greatest music rappers in the world, Seth Williams and Andy Meth.

I was very much taken aback, that these great people followed me on twitter. I then right away, without any hesitation, began to follow them. Twitter is just so amazing for that kind of stuff. You never know, who you are going to have as a follower the next day. I have Kayla Criton from L.A. area as a follower, So Alan Jackson, and Mellanie Smellanie to name a few more great followers that I decided to follow as well!

Besides that, all is quiet on the book front. I need to draw out the cover page for SUPERMARKETDOMINIUM. I know it is spelled wrong, but that is the title of the book. Too bad, if it is not yet found in the great Websters dictionary. Someday it maybe there. I hope, I have created, a new word! Much to the dismay of my old English 121 teacher! It is a fun word, I find, yet powerful and dominating! Just like in the times of ROME!

The new visitor report,  I had some visitors here today, from Canada, United Kingdom, Brazil, and Russia. No one from the old USA today, and that is very rare indeed. Hopefully they will come back someday! Have a good day, till then..


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