My first visit from Mexico!

It has been a long time coming... A first visit from beautiful Mexico.. My friends go down there often, to that area around Cancun. Beautiful place.

I got a ninetendo Wii Fit. It seems to work alright, as it measures your weight, and makes you feel bad if you do not reduce it as the weeks go bye :)

I was worried that I may break it, as I weight well over 200 lbs. But, it works fine for me so far. Everyone seems to like it, and there are games where you can improve balance, do physical activity, and so forth. Yoga, anyone? I think if you would do that every second day, or even every day, it would be definitely do you some good. It does measure your performance, and tells you if you improved your balance or your ranking in an activity.

It certainly is a nice little entertainment system. Have a good night, till then.


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