Part 3 of The Supermarket Guy ready to be sent to U.S. copyright!

The U.S. Copyright office has been the most efficient of the book writing process. 65 dollar U.S. charge for mailing, but much cheaper if you send over the internet. A 35 dollar fee. Fill out the form, and usually you get the registration in around 10 days or so. It takes a bank draft, if sending through the mail. I tried with a postal money order one time, and if I remember correctly, it came back. I had to send the funds back, and everything went great afterwards.

Today in Northern NB, the sun is out. The wind is low. It means it should be a pretty nice day, at around minus 1. Things to do around the house, cleaning, and getting some odd jobs done. As all of us have to do, at times.

 I got a letter from Goodreads, and they gave advice on some book selling. They said books with no written reviews, are added by seven people on average, as compared to books with 5 written reviews, are added by 40 people on average. That has always been my Achilles Heel. The book review. I had people put on the board that they were going to read it, but never had a review. The people around the area said they found it very good. But, everyone has different tastes, and I know perhaps a bad review may come. At any rate, I know what Goodreads means. And, they say that I should, have a book giveaway sometime. I have no books at the house. Maybe 2 left. How do I go about mailing them, and such. Maybe Dog Ear, could do the process for me to a limit, and then, cut off the process when no more books are available from my purchases. I will talk to them a little later about this. Have a good day, till then...


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