Watched "This Means War" tonight.

Watched the film starring Reese Witherspoon, "This Means War".  I found it to be entertaining, I would give it a 7 out of 10. Reese is a great actress, and so is this new British actor Tom Hardy is also great. I thought of him immediately as a new James Bond of the future. His toughness, his strength, and roughness would make a great replacement for Daniel Craig after he is done of another 3 to 5 Bond films. Craig is doing good, but this kid, is ready for the helm at any time. Back to the film, about 2 spies that fall in love with a beautiful Reese, who work on the same team. They try to keep it as a fair contest, thinking it will not interfere too much with their work. Let the best spy win the heart of the lady. Put in a crazy international killer, and it leads to an action filled ending.

On the reality front, my snowblower belt ripped up to shreds while blowing my Dads gate. Good thing he has a little 10.5 hp blower to do the job. The belts today, do not seem to last as long, as the belts of old. Some of them have a cloth covering. I like the older, rubber style V belts. I will look for, the old style, even if I have to pay double.

Twitter, well I have gained 4 more friends today who all have thousands of friends. It is an amazing way of communicating. What I remember of Mirc, or ICQ in the 90s. But, a little more mature. A little more, civilized, perhaps. But, you do find allot of bots and language that is rugged. Same as Mirc, or ICQ. I have not been on Mirc for 10 years or more. Just that, I found the channels were getting less and less people, as time went on. It became, less of an attraction to communicate, if people are not there. I see where they moved to, now. Facebook, and Twitter... Aha.. have a good night, till then..


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