Snow today and tomorrow!

Snow here in Northern New Brunswick, and lots coming tomorrow. The maple sugar lines will be covered with a light frosting of snow. The maple syrup maybe cold filtered.

Now, soon it will be tax time. I have to figure out my author tax system. I have to put all my loses in one column, and put the sales in the other. This should be interesting, as I have never done this before. I may have to go see an expert, to find out the lowdown on this new system. Usually in Canada, income tax is due on April 15 th. Receipts usually come in right until the middle of March.

I seen the preview for the new show, Goon. It is a hockey comedy, and it appears to be a great preview. Starring Sean William Scott, as the Goon. It has been a long time, since we had revisited the Hockey Comedy scene. I cannot see it being better than Slapshot, starring Paul Newman. The Hanson brothers would not take any crap from any player, or fan, either!  I will definitely watch Slapshot again, before going to see Goon, to compare the two... And, Goon better be equal or funnier than Slapshot!  Well, I hope you have a good evening.. Till then..


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