My Performance indicators are all down.
When you cough, sniffle, have sinus infection, you feel like all of your performance indicators are down. I feel bad, that I cannot do anything outside. I am taking medication, and such. If it gets worse, this afternoon I will go see a doctor. I went to see one 2 weeks ago, for the nagging cough. He just gave me a puffer and 3 strong antibiotic pills. This worked, for a short time. But, I think I caught the relapse. Due to working in the snow, we received on the weekend. I do feel somewhat better today, as rest always helps.
I received my files today for correction for Part 2. I will go over them, maybe after this cold passes on. I will start probably Friday afternoon. I am hoping this time, the corrections are not as bad as the first one. It is a drudgery job to correct your own mistakes. Especially when a comma is double spaced or after a period, for every sentence you finish. This time I know about it. In our old typing class, two spaces after a comma or a period was considered the right thing to do. But, in the book world, it is just one space. But, now I know. I know more about numbers, that under a hundred you put them up as numbers. Stuff like that, that can really put you in for a long time of correcting your work. It is good to get to know your publishers template, to see what little things they are fetish on. Then, it can save you headaches, money, and time. I hope you all have a good day, yours truly under the weather, till then..
I received my files today for correction for Part 2. I will go over them, maybe after this cold passes on. I will start probably Friday afternoon. I am hoping this time, the corrections are not as bad as the first one. It is a drudgery job to correct your own mistakes. Especially when a comma is double spaced or after a period, for every sentence you finish. This time I know about it. In our old typing class, two spaces after a comma or a period was considered the right thing to do. But, in the book world, it is just one space. But, now I know. I know more about numbers, that under a hundred you put them up as numbers. Stuff like that, that can really put you in for a long time of correcting your work. It is good to get to know your publishers template, to see what little things they are fetish on. Then, it can save you headaches, money, and time. I hope you all have a good day, yours truly under the weather, till then..