New Contest at Goodreads!

You could win a signed autographed copy of "The Supermarket Guy 2: Rise of the Market Overlord",  at Goodreads. Below is the link to get to the contest, as my contest will get buried under other contests that pop up every so often. You need to be a member of Goodreads to win.

That link should take you there, and if you are into books allot, there are allot of bonuses to being a Goodreads member. Many giveaways, interaction, and news on new book releases to name a few. You can even become a critic yourself, and give reviews to the books that you have read. It is all in the name of heavenly book bliss!

If you join up at Goodreads, you may not only sign up for a chance to win my book, you could win other authors books in other giveaways as well! They have a system where their program picks out the winners, so it takes the work out of it for many of us authors who try to make a silly system up. Lets just leave it to the pros...

I hope you all have a good evening, till next time. 


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