Idea came for a Part IV

Another idea came for a Part 4, for "The Supermarket Guy" series, just recently. I thought it would have ended at Part 3 (which is collecting dust on the shelf), but I thought of another story line just a few days ago. I had to write it down on a pad, as soon as it came to me. I was afraid, it would be lost as the memory jogs through so many affairs during the day. It seems these days, we are sometimes busier than ever.

So, truly, this will be a Part 4, with a Part 5 at the beginning of Part 1. I wanted to do a series of before his landing his first job, and his dealings with his life in his late teenage years. The main character, expanding before Part 1 ever come about. This will be, probably the toughest writing to get done. Part 4, is also going to be a little tough to link it all together. But, given enough time, it can all come together again. Just as it did for the first two parts. Oh, and their is a shorter book of "The Supermarket Guy" which may come out later, or earlier.

So that makes 4 more books to the series, a total of 6. I think that would be, the most I could personally crank out of the series. I am pretty sure, unless I do a seniors book for one version...

Well, time to go. Have a great night, till deep thoughts instill the best of imagination inside.


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