Contest results last night for Twitter..

These are the contest results last night, from Twitter.

I had 250 approximate views on this site. I had only, 3 winners, out of those 250 visitors. Total available books to be won was 16. A 6 % chance in winning a book, if the views had all tried, but the e mails did not come through...

1 st winner Stephen from Boston, 2nd winner Tammy from Cleveland, 3rd winner Joshua from Tampa.. You will be all sent books through snail mail, via Canada Post soon as possible. Thanks for coming and visiting this site.

I am still unsure of the low turnout, to win a book. Maybe they figure there will be to many entries, and they will not win anything, so why try? It is very interesting, as if I cannot give away a free book, how will I be able to sell my books at all... This makes me feel that Twitter is still weak when it comes to doing advertising.

But, I have only 1100 followers. Maybe when I get up to the tens of thousands, maybe twitter will work better for my advertising. But for now, i am unsure of its importance into getting your message out, when you are selling something.

Out of half or over half of those followers, are probably trying to sell a product that they want to sell too. Websites, authors, political, religious, sales pitches. Very interesting indeed.

I do often retweet good tweets, when I receive them. I am starting to favorite some tweets. I only hope I can get better, and find the best channels to advertise in. There are some channels that maybe are, too fast. Where, there is so much traffic your ads do not stay in the top slot for very long. maybe a few seconds. This is probably the other problem, that you have to keep advertising many times over to get your message across. But, if you can find a channel where there is a span of 5 to 10 minutes before your tweet gets bounced from the top, you can do pretty well. More people will actually probably, see it, and you may get more of a lasting reaction.

Today, not much news on the book front. Amazon.UK had run out of my new release, so it seemed. I do not know the reason why, but I will check again to see if they are restocked. They had only one seller on Amazon.UK for a used copy of my Part 2. This is very interesting. Maybe the Antiquarian people, got to those books as there was an error on the paper title page. I seen the other day that they did have a new book from a listed book vendor on Amazon.UK, but none new offered by Amazon.

Have a great day,  till next time..


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