Fishing in NB.

Fishing in New Brunswick. Everybody got a favorite hole, or a secret place, nestled away somewhere deep in the forest. You can try to edge it out of some avid fishermen at work, but they have a hard time to explain just where their secret holes are located. It is just, too many right and left turns, and if you take the wrong turn, you maybe lost for hours...

All my father and I used to do, was walk right up the river. Now is about the time, to actually do it. No rubber boots required. A little bit of bank walking, to get past the large pools. But usually, you can get by with some sneakers (an old pair that you do not mind losing to the big fish), and just enjoy the quietness and the scenery. Peacefulness. You do not even have to catch anything, it somehow, just feels, great.

My mother would always worry about the black bears. In all my time fishing the rivers, I fortunately never ran into one. But it wears on you, and as you get older in life, you think about it a bit more. I am no longer the brazen young ball of fire, and intensity, that I once was. I now am growing wiser, and saying to myself, I might just meet up with a bear someday.

I may bring in some bear spray with me, just in case. As my father is too old to walk the rivers with me, I will be doing it by myself. It is too hard of a journey for many, the mosquitoes, the cold water running up your ankles maybe too much for some to take. But, when you get those hot, hot summers, you do not notice it as much.

The perfect time to fish, is around now. When the water levels from the springs subside, usually in the morning or afternoon you can catch something. The temperature of the water, does have something to do about the trouts feeding habits. Also, if too many fishermen went up the river ahead of you, do not expect to catch much. It is just worth the fresh air, and the peacefulness of just returning to a better time.

Respect the laws, nature, the catch limit, and you can have a good time fishing, just about anywhere. And if not, you may just tell a fish tale, when you get back. Till next time.


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