International Contest Now!

This is my first International contest to win a book! Total (book) prizes to be won, 5.

All you have to do, is just e mail me at ---------- and from there, give me your mailing address.

The Contest starts now, and I will be taking the first 5 e mails. I will only release your city of where you live and your first name. It is very important to tell me which Part you would like to have, 1 or 2. When I get the 5 e mails, I will stop advertising the contest on twitter. The Contest could run up to 10 Pm today, unless I get rid of the books fast (This rarely happens).

Once this is posted, I will start advertising on twitter.. Thanks again, and to view the books online and even get an idea of what the book is about, go to this link :

You can click on the top link above the books cover on the kindle version to get a preview..


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