Bury your onions.

When you plant a garden, bury your onions a little bit on the top. Leave just the stem stick out. I do not understand what has been going on in the last few years, but the crows have been landing and turfing the onions to the side of the drills. Those buggers...

They think it is a sort of food, but, to their dismay, it is just a stinky old onion. Those crows create allot of havoc and destruction for us small growers. I seen them, sitting on my garden while getting up, on a beautiful sun basked morning. Where, the shadows are long, and the grass is wet with dew. My garden is ok, but it happens at my fathers as well.

I would run out on the deck, to shoo them away. They would not go far, until throwing a rock at them. I put up a metal plate on a stick, with a rope tied to it, to try to keep them away from my fathers garden. If the wind keeps up, it may keep them out.

Also, there is a huge ground hog around my fathers garden. We will have to call the Forest Rangers to set up a trap to pick it up. Usually, like in the old days, we would take out our shot gun and blast them away. A long time ago, our dogs were terriers, and they would just love to chomp on them. A fox terrier, that is, would attack and kill those pesky ground hogs. Now we got cutie pooh dogs, around the house. The ground hogs would chase them. Oh well.

These days, the laws are aggressive. You cannot just go outside with your shot gun, anymore. They are locked up until hunting season, as required by law. So much for our old ways of life...

A call to the forest rangers will do the trick.. They will escort the little fella, into happier pastures.. Have a good day, till next time...


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