Contest on Goodreads is going great!

My contest for "The Supermarket Guy 2: Rise of the Market Overlord" is going great. I have over 34 entries so far. This is fantastic! And the numbers will continue to climb, just until the 28 th of July.

I found while doing my contests on twitter, I had a hard time to give out the total books that I advertised on the site. Yet, I knew the time frames were not as long, but still. I could not give, the books away, for all I tried.

Compare it to if the time frame was a day or even half a day, I would have given out the 5 books in total as advertised on twitter, if it had the same effect as Goodreads.

I was advertising on twitter, in the book channels, as well. Twitter did not fill my contest chances to the brim, as sometimes I was trying to give away 5 books and had only 3 true responses for the book. While on Goodreads, the first day or morning I would have had 8 out of 10 books given away in 5 or so hours. Twice as fast as the twitter contest.

Now I understand, when doing a contest, it is best to stick to the areas where the people who have a vested interest in utilizing your product are. Goodreads is where the book people are located. Twitter, on the other hand, is a mixture of all things.

Do not get me wrong, twitter does have some advantages to it as well. It does get the word out as well, but maybe not as strong in certain areas as others. In the book realm, I would say it has 1/3 rd the effect of Goodreads, or even less than that. But, that is just my observation. People may observe different results at different times, and on different channels.

I regret not having a contest on Part 1 on Goodreads when that book first come out. Maybe in August, I will have an anniversary contest as well! We all live and learn, and unfortunately I am a late learner.

Have a great afternoon, till next time... My Contest is still on, at Goodreads, so if you take a passing glance you can enter if you join up! Once again, the contest is on until July 28th.


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