Wind and 10 cm of snow!

The winds were high, tonight in Northern New Brunswick, with a windchill that would make even The Supermarket Guy run for the var trees in the woods for cover! Minus 20 or so, and actually it is not as bad as some other colder temperatures we used to have here. Sometimes in the high minus 40 s.

Just finished another 12 hour day shift, in the dust. It is great to be back and kick back a few beers. My yard is full of snow, I may blow her out tomorrow.

I got a 12 horsepower blower,  that has been rebuild and retooled so many times, I cannot count the times on my hand how many times I pulled her apart. The worst, is the bearings, go first. The friction wheel. The self aligning bearing, where you got to take the whole bloody thing apart towards the front. I ran her so hard, the main drive pulley wore right off. It is somewhat fun though, in tearing her apart and fixing her also. I know it sounds strange.. But, you have a more satisfying feeling in rebuilding something, than something that never breaks... My machine is a lower quality machine than a Honda or a cub cadet, but, with the parts I put on it so far, I am still under in buying one of those machines by far. This is a 13 year old machine.. That is a good thought for the night.. Till then..


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