The new Ab Roller with spring assist!

Bought the new ab roller with spring assist. I had to take a quick second look, at the package when I brought it home. I just wanted an ab roller, and the famous one is the Ab Roller, of course, as seen on TV. I need to get down my beer gut.

Well, I used it now for two days. It works like the original, and looks like the original. I had some problems assembling it, as there was a sleeve over a spring to attach to the head rest. After a second attempt, I put it on without too much trouble. Their is a small noise, coming from the spring rubbing on the nylon covering. It annoys me somewhat, but if you have the music blasting, you may not hear it that often. If it is one thing I have to this point, is good hearing. It really is interesting, how they added the spring assist. It moves up your head fast, as to help with the exercise. If it continues to bother me, I can probably haul off the spring assist if I do not like it, and toss it. And still use the ab roller in its original state. I may still, toss it anytime, if the noise from the spring rubbing on the nylon annoys me any longer. Maybe if they replace the spring with an air shock, or a Mcpherson Strutt... That is why I was never an inventor...

Besides that, things are pretty quiet. Not much new in the world of books... Have a good night, till then.


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