Smelt fry for 13 dollars

All you can eat smelts, at a local restaurant, for 13 dollars. With that, you get potatoes, and vegetables. That is not a bad price, due to the cleaning of them and all. Quite a job to clean the frozen cold smelt. Your hands sometimes get very cold, and at times you take a small break from cleaning them. I know what you are thinking, let them sit all day in the sink. I should think ahead a little better, but most of the time we just take them out on a spur of the moment 4 hours before supper. They do not have allot of time to thaw out from frozen.

Besides that, no news on the book front. I will send away Part 3 soon enough to the copyright office. I will draw the cover page sometime. This one, should be fairly simple, showing the main character in between two other characters.

My favorite game, is Stronghold Crusader. It is the original. I am at level 33. I cannot get by this level, for some reason or other. The other castles are too close to mine, and the computer lords have 8000 gold as compared to my 2000 gold. I will try again today, but, I find it does take important time away from other things... I will not play it too long this time..  Have a good day, till then.


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