Had 45 views in 3 days on this blog!

This is quite something, as I had a record 30 views in at one time, on this blog. My best record was, probably 10 views in one day. The whole day, as compared to, just a small time frame, is something I did not expect either.

I was looking at a trend monitoring system today. It was called, Board Reader. You type in the name of a person, or a site, and voila.  It will show you a graph, of how well or how many posts were done on a certain subject.

It gives an idea, of how, perhaps, someone is doing. I did one on Lady Gaga, and of course, the numbers are in the thousands a day. I then did one on some other celebrities, and some were surprisingly as low as mine. My numbers, are even, for The Super Market Guy, and The Supermarket Guy. 32 posts per day, approximately.

It shows on the graph, how it started off really slow in the first 3 months, and then how traffic doubled on my book over the next 3 months, with spikes on the graph here and there. A very interesting tool indeed, something that I am not quite used to.

I will start to proofread my book, tomorrow again. I had to go to the relatives house again in Caraquet last night, as some visitors were up from PEI.  The holidays, do make it hard, to get allot of work done. Especially, working shift work. Hopefully tomorrow I will have a little peace, to get ahead on proofreading my book and getting Part 2 : Rise of the Market Overlord, ready for publication....

Hope you all have the time, to do, what you got to do... I certainly am, behind.. In the times.. Till then..


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