The Supermarket Guy II: Rise of the Market Overlord

Part 2 is ready. Ready to be published. It will be 50 to 60 pages longer than the original. Tomorrow, or Sunday I will review it one last time. I found allot of errors, and am satisfied with the good story line.

Monday or Tuesday, It should be ready to go. It could possibly be my last venture with writing books, as the sales even for Part 1 did not justify the publication of Part 2. But, what can you do? At least, I will have it said that I wrote two books, the first part and second. Something in which I never thought or imagined, I could do. This means probably, that Part 3 could lie in the vault, forever.

I wish you all a great night. We got freezing rain here in Northern NB, and the wind is exposed to pick up to 100 km hour. Batten down the hatches...  Till then...


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