Sun and cooler weather in New Brunswick as of late.

We had some nice weather in the last little while, here in Northern NB. The forecast was for much rain, but we got it here and there and in between the rays of sun. Not bad at all, for the last little while.

Unfortunately I was at work, and on my time off it was raining. I usually get it wrong when planning for my time off.

The book process has slowed down. I am used to that too. I never got word back yet on the progress of the cover or main body work. But after this step, it should go by pretty fast. The release time is fast approaching.

It is amazing how things go through your head about the whole thing, again and again. I wonder even about just releasing it. I still could have added things, I still could have changed things. Maybe I went too far, and that I should have stopped at Part 2.

Could this book be a flop to the series, and actually take it down? Maybe I went too serious in some parts of the novel, and maybe I did not go into enough detail in some other areas. My writing is somewhat fast, and not descriptive in nature to a degree. These things have went through my mind in the past little while. Maybe the theme and the tones are not what people want to read.

But, somewhere deep inside I had to let it all unravel to this "could be final" work. Part 3 is could be the end of the series. It was written in order put the cover on the pot. For every pot, their is a cover- Balzac.

Till next time..


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