Stuck in the mud syndrome.

Sometimes in a time frame, I will get that stuck in the mud syndrome. Where it seems anything I do, anything I try, feels like nothing to begin with.

Is it a depression. I hope not, and I do not think of it that way. It feels like being immobile, unable to put an action into movement.

Sometimes people cause us to be this way. Telling us we can't, we dare not, we should not, attempt a certain course in the direction of our lives... In my case, I feel that I have exhausted all the avenues to trying to get a certain awareness and knowledge out there about my books.

I heard of what works and what does not. Radio ads, Newspaper ads probably does not work for most writers. Even interviews, for some, do not work all that well.

I tried to join some blogging sites where books are discussed, but was eventually turned down for some reason or other. Probably because I am not in the traditional realm of the book world. And, for me, that is fine. But, I do believe someday the self publishing world will open up sometime, somewhere, out there in the internet universe.

Has it already? Maybe I am just not in the right venues or avenues of the self publishing world. I tried Facebook, and twitter. I found it exhausting work  to advertise on twitter, with maybe one purchase per 3000 followers. Some said they would buy my book, but never did. Although, I met some great people on twitter, and had some fun there too!  Facebook, in the end wanted some ID and everything, which I found strange for a social networking site. I was not spamming, or doing anything wrong on their site. Never got the chance to truly try out its social networking powers. Oh well...

I am right down to idle mode right now. Letting the books take their own voyage into the unknown. Later on, I may try to voyage again on the internet to see what kind of book exposure can be garnered. But for now, I am running on an empty tank of petrol...

Till next time...


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