Part 3: Supermarket Dominium now in full processing!

Part 3 is in full swing now at the publishing house, and it is hard to believe but it will be on the shelves this early fall.

The cover should arrive in the next week and a half or so, and it should be an easy approval. After all, I drew it out. Saving allot of time with what does he want, on that cover?  No problem, I drew it out already. This will be the third cover, that I have drawn out for the series so far.

Will I continue with writing Part 4 this fall? Not so sure. Depends on how the public takes to this one.

I do have many, many ideas for several new series. A series outside of, "The Supermarket Guy". But there is two books that are left to perhaps finish "The Supermarket Guy" series off.  Or 3?

I was snorkeling the other day in Grande Anse beach, but the water was a little murky due to the wave action there at the beach. The weather was beautiful, but windy. Today we got some rain, much needed, as the grass in front of my house is brown. Brown grass all through the subdivision here...

We will see how this Part 3 pans out. Till next time...


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