Cough is mostly gone now.

Had this lingering cough for the past 3 or 4 weeks now.  One doctor gave puffers, another gave a cough suppressant and some cortisiods. The latter worked much better.

I had missed an x ray awhile back, as I was busy with other things and did try to call to cancel. The hospital then called for my flow test.

You sit in a booth, and breath into a machine that must measure O2 and flow. My flow turned out to be 102 %. That is just above the average.

At first, I had a hard time to blow to make it to the end of the graph. I had to exhale and continue for seconds after to reach a vertical line on a computer chart.

It measured the volume of air taken in, and the volume of air pushed out. I was glad that i did not have a restriction, as probably 4 or 5 years ago I did have 77 % lung capacity when I had pneumonia. Then after taking medication, much what I had taken in pill form and in cough syrup, things got back to normal to 98 %.

All of this is stored in  a computer system at the hospital for future references.

It makes me think how important are the lungs, the heart, or whatever organs we have to help us function as we do. I would readily give money to the lung association, heart and stroke, to try to help people get back on their feet faster or to help find new technologies to try to make prognostics and remedies work better.

It is not nice to be sick, and today I think about how there are just too many people out there sick right now with some sort of illness. We must not stop helping until everyone is healthy, so lets keep the research going! Give to these organizations to help eliminate sickness. Even if everyone gave 2 bucks, it can make a difference.

No news on the book front, till next time...


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