A 5 on 5 star for "The Supermarket Guy III: Supermarket Dominum" already!

The book is not printed yet. It won't be available until early October. Yet, someone has already given it a 5 on 5 star!

Do I know this person. No, absolutely not! He gave me a 5 on 5 star rating this morning. I was aghast at the sudden, quick, rating of my book.

Do they have a pirated copy? Did someone steal the file while in transit? You just never know these days! Perhaps nothing is so secure these days.

Then I looked at his book history. Seems like he gives 5 on 5 star rating to all the books he places on his to read shelf.

The euphoria died. Suddenly.

Oh well. I still have 105 people waiting to read my book. This is very good news, as the first two combined for a total readership of 90 approximate readers. This is a stunning revelation, and only a few days into the contest.

Besides that, I decided to revamp my Google page. I did some refinements, and found I had one friend on there. A Shay Mitchell.

I found it to be somewhat like facebook. It is attractive enough, and they did not force me to ask for sensitive information, or I would be booted off.

No, Google was very kind, and even refrained from booting me off their site even if I did not provide them with a picture, or even other private information. Just today, i did send them a little more though. After all, I am a famous author, and people should know a little bit about me.

I like Googles format so far. Perhaps I can use it to my ultimate advantage in spreading the word about my books. Who will listen? Perhaps no one.. Perhaps someone.. I dunno..

Till next time..


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