
Showing posts from July, 2013

A 5 on 5 star for "The Supermarket Guy III: Supermarket Dominum" already!

The book is not printed yet. It won't be available until early October. Yet, someone has already given it a 5 on 5 star! Do I know this person. No, absolutely not! He gave me a 5 on 5 star rating this morning. I was aghast at the sudden, quick, rating of my book. Do they have a pirated copy? Did someone steal the file while in transit? You just never know these days! Perhaps nothing is so secure these days. Then I looked at his book history. Seems like he gives 5 on 5 star rating to all the books he places on his to read shelf. The euphoria died. Suddenly. Oh well. I still have 105 people waiting to read my book. This is very good news, as the first two combined for a total readership of 90 approximate readers. This is a stunning revelation, and only a few days into the contest. Besides that, I decided to revamp my Google page. I did some refinements, and found I had one friend on there. A Shay Mitchell. I found it to be somewhat like facebook. It is attractive enoug...

Facebook e mailed me back today.

Do not get me wrong. Facebook is a good site, it has great strengths. I believe it is a great place for business people to access the millions of people ripe for the picking up of their products. They asked again for a picture in this e mail, and my date of birth, and government ID or maybe two business type IDs. Now, they promised to delete these IDs after they were done with them. Or shred them. How can I trust where this is coming from. And are the Facebook employees trained to handle private information. Do they have supervisors, supervising their actions and double checking if the information is deleted promptly. I do not know, nor will I ever know. And, I do not trust their employees in handling sensitive information. I only trust governments, to handle my information. And that is pretty much it. Ok, the banks too. Any institution where they have proper training in privacy matters. Facebook did have a few leaks of phone numbers awhile back, and peoples e mails, from ...

"The Supermarket Guy III: Supermarket Dominium" doing good.

Part 3 has out shown Part 1, and even Part 2 in the giveaway this far. I nearly have 100 people ready to read it, which is far beyond what Part 2 could garner at the time of its release. And the book cover is not even up yet. I have been waiting, and waiting, for the book cover. Yet, it maybe here only in a week or two. I did not realize what the publisher meant, by saying it would be in process on my correspondence. It meant, it is still going through the hoops at the publishing house. Same as the second draft. Still have to wait a week or so,  but the process is on time, from what I gather from the people who work there. Besides that, we have been getting allot of rain in New Brunswick. Not much time to do any yard work outside. The next two days are exposed to be sunny throughout the Atlantic region. Part 3 has really shined. Not like Rihiannas diamonds, but like a glimmer of hope. It is doing really well, and it is not even published yet. And I was wondering if it wa...

I could create the greatest chat engine ever!

I remember the early days of Mirc and ICQ. These were highly popular chat engines. They allowed you to chat, with several people at a time, and worked pretty good but with modem speeds and what not back in the 90s they were lagging at times. Now from what I gather ICQ has been purchased by a Russian company, and MIRC is probably still a subscription as you go shareware or chat engine. To build the perfect chat engine. First, you have to make it broad based. Include everybody. Do not require people to verify themselves, only if they want to put their name, password, and phone number that will do. This causes more people to be on the chat engine. More people, means more dollars. Does not matter who is behind doing what they are doing, long as they do not spam or harass people. They are customers too. So for those who want to give more information, it is really up to them and not necessary. You could have a verified account with a star near the user, or a different color star near a ...

Facebook and its request for a phone number.

This afternoon I could not get into my facebook account. It required a phone number. Which I reluctantly gave out. Then, the phone number would not go through. So then they wanted an ID piece. Even maybe a passport. Drivers license? They got to be out of their minds. Do I trust their security that far, as to give them a piece of my government issued ID? I do not think so. That is none of their business, and I was quite insulted when they asked for it. It is only a social networking site. A upscale chat engine. And talk about a hard time, just getting to their feedback options. What a maze. Really worst than those press this number, then press that number, bull s---. I told them what I thought. Take my page off of the facebook right away, if they were not prepared to allow me to go visit my page with my own name, and password content. It is not as if I was spamming on there, or doing anything illegal. It is going to be interesting when they e mail me back. I am interested to ...

The best start for a giveaway I had ever had!

My recent giveaway from Goodreads, has had the best start of the three giveaways that I had put on there thus far. This one has gotten 200 people joining the contest in just 2 days. The Part 2, only garnered 150 or so in the first two days of the contest. As the book fades to the back, I expect less hits than ever. This will dramatically go down after more newcomers come into view. Only when the book reaches the end again, will the hits dramatically go up again. This contest has done very well, so far. It probably garnered 3/4 of the hits, many more than allot of the novels just listed at about that time. But yet, there are still 1/4 that had much more success than my  novel. I am still not at the top of the pack, but the book has done well there so far. I am waiting for my book cover to come in, and the second draft to be read. Then it is off into production mode. Once again, the Goodreads link to the giveaway is right here -

The contest for to win a free book here on E Blogger!

Here it is. The contest to win a book from Part 1 or Part 2, you select the one you would like to win. The contest will run for nearly a month total, finishing on the 31 st of August 2013,  at 10 pm. A total of 5 books will be given out. Winners will be chosen as to whoever answers the best to the questions and guesses below. You can be from anywhere in the world! To win, just answer the following questions. 1. What is the cartoon that I drew on this blog site? The name of the series. 2. What did I babble about in my very first blog writing? 3. I need you to guess my number from 1 to 10, and my favorite color. Contestants must leave their answers on the comment section of this blog, if you wish to enter the contest. Do not forget to leave me your mailing address through the comments section. Or you can message me through the Goodreads book site. Only first name/ or pen name/ (Whichever you desire) and location in the country you live will be posted for winning informat...

My friends did not know about my books..

A close friend of mine, whom I graduated with, had no knowledge of my books! His daughter is in her late teens, she knew nothing about my books!  I gave him a free one, the first one of the series, and she smiled as she said she would read it right away. She loves reading books, and said it would not take her long to get through it. They were from Ontario, over a thousand kilometers away. I probably never seen him in 5 or more years. My books are all easy reading, and not complicated in matter. They are truly enjoyable, easy reading books. Humor books. It just goes to point out again,  how E Blogging for 2 years now, tweeting, and now even resorting to Facebooking, how social media truly does not work. I must admit.  Social media, does not work! At least, not for someone who does not know the ins and outs of it all. Maybe I do not understand social media enough for to make things work. And I cannot afford the massive ad campaigns that other authors do put up. ...

The Synopsis of Part 3, Supermarket Dominium.... Finally here!!!

Who could you count on, if the police, military, and the village shaman could not save you from an impending doom? "The Supermarket Guy 3: Supermarket Dominium" is the zany continuation of "The Supermarket Guy" series. The story starts off with a business as usual atmosphere, until sales begin to drop off dramatically at the supermarket chain. With no apparent reason given by his wisest advisers for his supermarket's chain slump, the CEO Harold Wannapus, heads home to do some left over yard work. Little does he know, his old rival Jon Acadou has the answer to his sudden misfortune and unpopularity. Breaking out of a maximum security prison, he finds Harold trying to beautify his near zoo like yard. Both men must now team up together to stop Acadou's powerful son, and the Edmundo mart from totally dominating the world. This fearsome invincible team has its own ups and downs. Harold blames Acadou for several near death experiences on his fumbling...

Two days until release of Goodreads Giveaway!

July 25 th my Goodreads giveaway should be ready to go.  I had problems downloading a cover there, as the image was too large for the book cover. I will wait until the cover comes back from the publisher, and try it again later this week. Besides that, I seen a few blips of life of my book from Barnes and Noble. Part one blipped up from 1100000 to 550000 in rank, then fell back to 1020000, then back to 990000 in rank for the E Book. My ranking for Part one from Amazon ranking is still at 7 million or more. This book has fallen from the 550000 rank I had in late January or so. The Barnes ranking is nice, as it does tell me I may have sold one or two. That is all it takes to get a large amount of movement like that.  Amazon ranking is also nice, as it tells me I am really making zero sales on the site. From what I was told, it does not take into consideration other sites sales. I assume Barnes is much the same. I was thinking of having another contest on here, I may giv...

The Grande Finale?

Will this be the last book out of my conundrum? It just depends on my last book, "The Supermarket Guy III: Supermarket Dominium", and how well it is received. Did I go far off into left field with this one. I do not believe so, but it does follow the same humor lines as the first. I like to try to count the amount of humor episodes in a book, and this one is probably the most I had ever tried to put down on paper. I was surprised, at the amount that was packed in Part 1 for the amount of pages that did exist. Funny scenarios, great material, maybe never to be surpassed. A 4.68 average on 5 does not lie. It is the highest average out of the two first books, with a 4.2 average for the second. I may advertise when Part 3 does come out. It is a last ditch effort to garner some sales, after all. I did not advertise with the first two, always contemplating the outcome of throwing money into a pit. Not sure if it would do any good. Would it? I think I was counting on pure luc...

When playing with lifes rules, sometimes you just can't win.

I was at a hand of 125 a few nights ago. Auction, that is. There was a 30 for 60 bid for game. Since both teams were at 100 or so, and fearful the other might make it, the dealer held. That was the last bid you can make in 125 auction, or at least at our game. The team that went 30 for 60 won every bid, and won the game. Therefore, sometimes you cannot get past the rules that are set out in front of you. I am sure the other team would have liked to circumvent the outcome somehow. But all the cards fell into the dealers hand to win the game. Same thing as life. You are given a hand. You play out the cards. Some the right way, maybe a few the wrong way. In the end, the results come back. What we are left with, is sometimes what we could not avoid, good or bad. Destiny, fate, whatever you call it. We all try our best to attain a certain standard in life. We have to maintain it, there is no doubt. But the rules of the game are there hiding in the walls, under the beaten cement, and al...

Goodreads Giveaway scheduled for the middle of next week!

I applied for a contest for a book giveaway on the Goodreads site. This will be starting up approximately near the middle of this week coming (July 25 th is the probable date). I hope you all sign up, and try to win a free "The Supermarket Guy 3: Supermarket Dominium" book. Join the site if you haven't already, and be a part of the fun. This is the first of a few contests that will probably occur in the fall. Remember, my giveaway will be only starting in the middle of the next week...  Till next time...

Randy Travis in the hospital

Thinking about Randy Travis today. I remember his "Storms of Life" CD, and how on that CD every song was a good song, one after the other. How many artists can accomplish such a feat today, and not just put in fillers with background music, with having just one or two hit songs out there to sell an entire CD? Much has to be said about the "High Lonesome" CD as well, because pretty much every song on that CD was not just good, but great country music songs! I am glad to see his condition has stabilized. We all hope for a speedy, healthy recovery and much more inspiration to flow from his creative being. Till next time...

Part 3: Supermarket Dominium now in full processing!

Part 3 is in full swing now at the publishing house, and it is hard to believe but it will be on the shelves this early fall. The cover should arrive in the next week and a half or so, and it should be an easy approval. After all, I drew it out. Saving allot of time with what does he want, on that cover?  No problem, I drew it out already. This will be the third cover, that I have drawn out for the series so far. Will I continue with writing Part 4 this fall? Not so sure. Depends on how the public takes to this one. I do have many, many ideas for several new series. A series outside of, "The Supermarket Guy". But there is two books that are left to perhaps finish "The Supermarket Guy" series off.  Or 3? I was snorkeling the other day in Grande Anse beach, but the water was a little murky due to the wave action there at the beach. The weather was beautiful, but windy. Today we got some rain, much needed, as the grass in front of my house is brown. Brown gras...

Part 3, the first draft, sent in to the publisher.

Part 3, Supermarket Dominium, has been sent into the publisher. I will get the second draft probably within a month. From there, it should not take that long. Some things that were creating difficulty for me. English vs American spelling. Jewellery, vs Jewelry, harbour, harbor, and just about any word that has two l's in the English language, there is only one l in the American. It is produced in the USA. Therefore, I went with the USA spelling arrangements. I just wish that there would be a half and half sort of agreement on the two types of English spelling. Also allot of words were super was used, the super was added on to the word it was just ahead of it. I did not think in many instances, that this was normal, but maybe I was just not used to it. It is gone now,  departed for format into a paperback version style of things. Soon the book cover will arrive. Soon, it will be sold everywhere. And, I did brush up on some of the text. I found it once again to be drab in ce...

1st draft in from Part 3

First draft is just in from Part 3 from the editor. I am going through their corrections as we speak. I finished 30 % last night, and by Friday it should be done, if nothing comes up. Mostly I had problems with comma spacing, parenthesis, numbers are to be written out, % is percentage written in letters, ect ect. I like how the editor placed her comments on the side about the flow, asking if I meant this or that with certain words. There were no huge mistakes in the flow yet. At least the reader did not detect any from the publishing house. I did once again add some humor to it, but just a few dabs here and there. I think it is coming along quite well, and will do some correction this morning. This came to me a little faster than I had expected. Have to keep at it. Till next time...

27 views from the USA today!

I would like to thank our American cousins for visiting this site today in very good numbers! 27 views from the U.S.A!  Thanks very much, to the viewers from the U.S.A!!!

210 friends on Goodreads now!

I decided to up my Goodreads friend count. I have been steady at approximately 160 for a few years now. I see that many people have several hundred or thousands of friends on Goodreads. Goodreads is the best format I have ever been on for a social networking site. I find it very easy to use, unlike facebook, and even has great features that twitter does not have. It is probably because I am biased about the book thing, and that you can discuss and rate books there and even have discussions on a wide array of topics. If you ever read one book, you should join Goodreads. You can rate it, give it a star rating, and even go to win free books on their giveaways. I will be having a giveaway there in the not so distant future, if all goes well. I am predicting the start date for the end of July right until the end of October. Besides that we finally got some beautiful weather here in Northern NB. It has been a great past week of hot weather. Whoever chose their vacation time last w...

Cough is mostly gone now.

Had this lingering cough for the past 3 or 4 weeks now.  One doctor gave puffers, another gave a cough suppressant and some cortisiods. The latter worked much better. I had missed an x ray awhile back, as I was busy with other things and did try to call to cancel. The hospital then called for my flow test. You sit in a booth, and breath into a machine that must measure O2 and flow. My flow turned out to be 102 %. That is just above the average. At first, I had a hard time to blow to make it to the end of the graph. I had to exhale and continue for seconds after to reach a vertical line on a computer chart. It measured the volume of air taken in, and the volume of air pushed out. I was glad that i did not have a restriction, as probably 4 or 5 years ago I did have 77 % lung capacity when I had pneumonia. Then after taking medication, much what I had taken in pill form and in cough syrup, things got back to normal to 98 %. All of this is stored in  a computer system a...

Canada Day today!

Happy Canada Day to everyone today! A country that is bilingual, but that is also multicultural, has come a long way since its humble beginnings as a French then English colony. As compared to American history, we did not have the huge revolutionary war, or the civil war as our cousins to the south of us can compare. We evolved probably from them, but within a British style government framework. I would like to see Canada have an elected senate. We have an appointed one. Our Prime Minister and his government works with a majority in the House of Commons. They form policy and vote on bills versus the opposition which most of the time tears them down, but can never truly defeat a bill unless a minority government stands. I always found our country was always a little more leaning to the left. We seem to leave people do their own thing, and not let the majority view or minority view force others into going a certain way. I think that is the way it should be, also. Leave people live...