Shootings in Connecticut

Just recently I have heard about the shootings in Connecticut. We feel a sense of mourning, enormous loss, for the good people who are in anguish over this tragedy at the school.

Micheal Moore said on the news that there have been 31 shootings since Columbine. What is going on, and why has this statistic increased over time?  I sincerely do not recall this amount of shootings in the 70s, or 80s.

In the United States you have the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms. While personally, I was always in favor of this Amendment to bear single shot hunting rifles. I am not in agreement where automatic weapons, handguns, should be protected under this Amendment. But, it is something for the US Congress and its government to decide.

Apart from that, schools need a security system in place. Do they need metal detectors? Do they need an armed, security guard? They need a security plan of action, an alarm system in each room, and practices on how to deal with such an event.

I think it could be also, a change of spirituality over that span of 30 or so years, that has brought more of these tragedies about. We need to focus on helping those people that are alone, be inclusive, so no one will try a crime like this again. We can only minimize these things, as the world is not perfect... We do hope someday it will never happen again!

Till next time..


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