My New ranking from Amazon!!!

My new rank out of the millions of books out there, 1 million rank! It dropped like crazy in the past few days. It just goes to show, you have to have consistent sales to keep the number high. This is really fascinating. As the number was 500 000, just a few days ago. What a difference does 3 days make!

A funny thing did happen yesterday on the Amazon Blogs. While in one blog, I pasted my link to my book, and a small blurb about it. Then, one of the blog moderators come around and said "What you are doing is spam! It is damn wrong, what you are doing. This is not the place for that". The spiel was much longer than that, actually. Ok, so here is the thing. I am in a forum that promotes authors stuff. I could not care less, if I was in a different topic of discussion, and placed my book up there ( a small link to look at), for all peoples of the grand world to see. It is not as if I put it up there, one after the other in second sequential sequences. I put up one message, and leave it there for the day!  I later responded, "Fried Spam with Maple Syrup is Delicious! But I did thank him in the end for the comments".  I did not get any answer back after that one, when I looked this morning. It is hard being an author, because you got to be kind to everyone ;)  Even the p-----heads.

Christmas is coming. The geese are getting fat. Please put a penny in the old mans hat. My dad always told me that, when playing his violin and drinking his normal pint of beer. I did no shopping as of yet. I will save it for after the snow blizzard we are having today. It is exposed to snow 10 to 15 cm today, or 5 inches approximately.

I cannot believe, 5 days and this blog will be as a mist on the shore. No more.. Wooosh...


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