4 inches of snow here in Northern NB.

We had 4 inches of snow, or approximately 10 cm of snow the other day. We are expecting snow in the week coming ahead, a much bigger storm. I will have to go test the snow blower out. Actually, it is not all that bad to just use the scoop. Maybe laziness will set in, and I will use the snow blower...

I read an interesting book last night, called "Achieving Objectives Made Easy", by Raymond Leblanc. As reading this book, it had plenty of great points and life efficiency tactics. That came to bring me the question. Am I efficient at life? And, how can I change what I am doing today to make myself more effective tomorrow? How can I make myself succeed?

I know people, even relatives, that want a drive into town for to do some affairs. You are doing these people favors, right? So you get into your car, and drop them off and wait for them. On the return home, just about getting to the door, they remember that they forgot to get something in town. This does not happen once, but maybe several times over the years. The first time, you may shrug it off. The second time, a groan. The third time it happens, you get a little irate. Some people may get irate at the first time, and not bother to take the person back to the mall or whatever.

It makes it tougher, when you are trying to be efficient at your affairs, but the person you are taking on does their errands everyday. Or a few times a day. If people would plan their day ahead, they could greatly reduce the amount of travelling and have more time at the house to be, productive. For these people who are getting the help, please think of those who are taking you about, and schedule, organize, your pit stops.

That is the thought of the day... 


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