A Merry Christmas to all!

I would like to wish all the blog followers that came to see me near the Holidays, and who have checked this blog out in the past, a very Merry Christmas. It is a time to share, a time to give, and a time to give thanks for the things in life that are so important to us.

Here are the few things, that I found really special on Christmas.

1. The Little Drummer boy -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZvjPCcHI4g

2. Feed the World-  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lePkdXPZPwg

3.  Nationals Lampoons Christmas Vacation-  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=decUIVkZ4GI

Some of the best, Christmas productions of all, time, in the music, video, world. There are many others, but right now, those are what comes to mind.. And usually, what comes to mind, is what stands out....

Merry Christmas once again, and to all a Great night!


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