Part 3 cannot be created at this point in time.

Part 3. I thought of some material to add to it, this very night. A near page of humor, of new material. Strange how you sit back, and when resting, things enter into the thought process about your writing works. I never suspected the thoughts would come out at that time. During a thought deleting night shift.

I put it away in the box with the Part 3 materials. Never know, I may get enough sales to put together Part 3 when I am 90 years old. Maybe not. I can always pass Part 3 down to my next of kin. They may have a great laugh, while I am floating through the clouds.

I was thinking of just doing the book of Poems. It has a great title, and approximately half of the pages of Part 2. It would only cost around 1 / 3rd to produce as well. It would be a great break, from creating another blockbuster ( block luster?) novel at this point.

Who knows, maybe poetry sells better than humor. I sincerely doubt that.. It is worth a gamble, maybe. That is what is going through my mind right now, at this point in the game.

Have a good day, till next time.. 


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