Sales rank changed just in 24 hrs.

740 000 is the new, updated sales ranking from Amazon. Yesterday it was in the 500 thousand range. It can change really fast, when you sell one per week like that. That is totally understandable. I was checking to see how quick it would react to a pause, or an increase in sales. I had a pause in sales the last 24 hrs.

The book that is in the top of my publishers ranking for humor, has a #99 000 ranking. Part 1 of my book is not registered in the humor list, on my publishers page. If it was, it would be in the top 5 of the 68 humor books listed on that page.  It would probably be on the 1st or 2nd page on the Amazon ranking lists for my publishers fiction and literature. But, it is not there.

This is all very interesting. It shows probably, how flawed the rating systems are for ranking books on Amazon. It must take a few days, before they actually click in. I will wait, to see for any updates. I e mailed Amazon with my concerns, about not being on the humor list for my publishers books, and the ranks.

Have a good evening, till next time...


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