Happy New Year to all the Supermarket Maniacs out there!

Happy New Year to all my fans! And to all my critics too!

Those who said it could not be done, well it most certainly is! Those who hoped for life on Mars, they found that life in my 3 books! Those who hold in their poop before finishing their exams, I feel sorry for them! Their calculators should be able to store that ---- too!

Part 4.. Should have been out this year. 2014 should have been the year for it all. Lets face facts. 2014 was the year for Part 4 to shoot forth from the womb. Why 2015 you say?

Busy. Busy. Busy. Hopefully, 2015 is less busy and more prosperous than the year gone by. Lost. I surely did.

No wins. No great book sales! Even though the book series has been place on the internet, in nearly each and every country, of the world. This is the reality of self publishing. And the unlimited space of the internet. Place the book on a site, it will probably sit there, for many years on end, before it either gets removed or stays there until a straggler picks it up. And makes a sale. One sale?

Part 4. Maybe finished in the next month. I only got a half a scene to go. But, try to find the time.. Time to do it all.. 2015, lets hope for more time.. For everyone...

Have a happy one, till next time..


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