
Showing posts from December, 2014

Happy New Year to all the Supermarket Maniacs out there!

Happy New Year to all my fans! And to all my critics too! Those who said it could not be done, well it most certainly is! Those who hoped for life on Mars, they found that life in my 3 books! Those who hold in their poop before finishing their exams, I feel sorry for them! Their calculators should be able to store that ---- too! Part 4.. Should have been out this year. 2014 should have been the year for it all. Lets face facts. 2014 was the year for Part 4 to shoot forth from the womb. Why 2015 you say? Busy. Busy. Busy. Hopefully, 2015 is less busy and more prosperous than the year gone by. Lost. I surely did. No wins. No great book sales! Even though the book series has been place on the internet, in nearly each and every country, of the world. This is the reality of self publishing. And the unlimited space of the internet. Place the book on a site, it will probably sit there, for many years on end, before it either gets removed or stays there until a straggler picks it up. ...

Merry Christmas to all!

Just a second note to truly wish the onlookers here a Merry Christmas! We hope for a future of peace, prosperity for all, in each and every corner of the world! May no one ever see war, famine, or disease again. May we all truly feel the real message of Christmas, and get away from the materialistic, closet filling, yard sale garnering futures... Spend the time with family, friends, and yep, even strangers... A message of kindness, even a warm hello, goes a long, long way... Till next time, and thanks very much to the 11 followers on here, and the people from France, USA, Canada, and elsewhere that have been following this blog!

Christmas miracles... and the real deal.

Christmas miracles. Not sure if you had one. A sick relative coming home from the holidays of a near fatal illness, a person seen not for many lost decades gone by, a friendship renewed over old quarrels. Christmas miracles, are the true gift of Christmas. Yours truly, only had the chance to meet one person who had claimed to be touched by a miracle of sorts. I thought, and still do, believe I was truly blessed to hear this persons testimony of his miraculous healing. It took me aback, and realized that there is some wonderful things that can indeed happen to people around the holiday season, or during the year at any time at all. Although rare, we all champion them, and we all hope they can break the chains of despair. Somehow these stories keep us going, and keep us wondering on how such events can be explained by modern science. Breaking all common explanations, watching some predicaments go the other way. It could be a persons thought pattern, an alcoholic giving up the booz...

Missed deadlines and what not

Sure, I set a deadline in my head. To be finished of Part 4 before Christmas. I am thinking that I will not be able to reach that set deadline, in my head. Not to worry, there is no one knocking at the door for its creation. My fans are not screaming into the streets, or creating mayhem down the road. That possibly was the other reason for its late creation. It may have severed its creation completely. But, the great reviews and ratings tallied up so far, was the main reason for the continuation of the series. Out of 44 reviews or ratings, it was a rarity to get under a 2 star rating. Very rare, for this series, which helped the series get to a Part 4. And Part 4 could have been done several months ago, I am sure, if its popularity would have been high. Family members would have been more understanding towards its creation, and probably would have left me with more time to work at it. It could have been completed this early fall, if things went the other way. But when do things go...

Part 4 is getting there..

Part 4 is now around 62 000 words, and only the last battle scene to finalize. Need to dot the i's, and cross the t's.  This will be close to Part 3's length, that is for certain. I am sure to get at least over a thousand pages total of odd situation humor, a milestone I hope I can achieve in the near future. I probably will finish it this week, and then the second and third readings, spell checking each time, and then probably look for a local editor to keep costs down. Hoping to find someone in the area that can do some great editing for me, and they will get a free read too! Tell me what does not tie up in the book, and what should be left in or left out of the process, to a small degree. There is an old friend in the area, who I can talk to about this. I think he can lead me to an editor, if he does not have the time to do it himself. The book cover will probably be drawn out by yours truly again, and I already have a few ideas for it. There is a space shuttle or v...

Part 4 at 60 000 words so far.

Part 4 is at 60 000 words so far, and there is approximately one scene to finish. Then, the big job of going through the grammar and spell check, cutting out some cheesy elements, or adding detail to many situations in the many hysterics that take place within the first draft. I am very pleased with this volume of the series. It maybe, just as great as the rest of them. I feel it holds true to the series, in its zany fashion with its characters and what not. Maybe it could be the best in the total of 4 series, but each volume is very special in their own way. Not sure right now if it will be as big as Part 3, but it could very well match it once I get into the editing and what not. Never found cleaning up the mess I created fun stuff. If you are a writer, and going through your own material not once, but twice, three times, it can be tiring and exhausting at times. And then once you send it to get edited somewhere else, it comes back, you have to go through it probably once or twi...

Progress on Part 4 to date

Part 4 has been doing very well. It will probably surpass Part 2 s length most certainly, and may come close to Part 3 s length which was 300 pages. Part 4 only has perhaps a scene and a half left,  and then the touch ups. As stated previously, I need to read through it several times, and then add or probably delete some items. The ending is an epic fight, with lava flows, and the world on edge! The world could self destruct in an instant! Will I be able to finish the book, by January of 2015?  To have published by June of 2015 ( it takes usually 4 to 6 months to publish once in the process, and I have previously submitted the book covers to make it go faster) I could wait until the fall of next year too, as the market is not open to my sort of style of writing. My fans are not actually waiting at the doorstep for Part 4. Maybe I could should just shelve it. Not sure what to do lately. By submitting the book covers, I have done very poorly at attracting an audience. Do ...