Winds are high here today!

The winds in northern NB are high gusts 80 km/hr at times. The snow melted big time yesterday, as small streams of water could be seen cutting into the ice and snow towards the lower lying areas. It was plus 15 C yesterday, quite a change from the minus 5 or so before hand. Today, it is minus 3.

I twitted allot yesterday. I managed to get 10 followers, the most I ever had. I now stand at 147 followers. These are people that just jump on board. For a good while I have just be advertising to see how many people would click on and follow when advertising through the twitter universe. I put my advertising through channels called 200aday, then 3000aday. No one is hardly in the 3000aday universe. My posts are still on top from last night. The 200aday is more active, as the action is fast. We go there, thinking we can catch, 200 followers in a day, but this just does not happen.

Besides that, not much new on the book front. Still waiting for news on Part 2, but may have to wait 3 weeks before the first proof arrive. They are working on the cover, and it will pass by fast. Part 3 is put away for another day. Sales would have to rocket away, for to publish it fast. Right now, the dust is collecting on it. Part 3 is more of a global scale threat, and Harold has to save the day again, with a little bit of luck and skill. Part 2 does talk about Part 3 a little bit in the chapters farther down. The three parts do link together, fairly good, I hope.

Well, time to go. The Unemployment rate is 10.1 % in New Brunswick. This is high, but also the North always had a high Unemployment rate in the teens to 20 % anyways. Very sad new numbers, for such a beautiful province.  Till next time...


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