Choosing a lawn tractor.

It is a difficult choice today in choosing a lawn tractor. I cut the grass for the last few years with a push mower, but now my lawn has expanded a 100 by 100 feet, besides the huge amount of grass in the front. It takes me 2 and a half hours to cut the grass at the house. My feet get sore, and the neighbor watches me as I sweat like a dog on a hot 30 C day. He drives by on his Club Cadet, and offers it to me. But, I hate to take someones machine. If I hit into something, then I would feel bad. I would pay for it, though. Still I cannot take someones machine.

I love the look of the Cub Cadet machines. They have everything. Cup holders, and hydrostatic transmission. Cruise control. Great ride and comfortable seat. But, the cost his fairly higher than the Craftsman.

I subscribe to Consumer Reports, and I have the ratings as well for these machines. The Craftsman, is rated high for reliability for 2011. Of course, they all have their small problems or major ones, that we probably do not see in the ratings. But, they do offer a window of chance. I heard of people driving the most reliable stuff, only to have problems with them later on. This is just a strange thing that happens in life. The Cub Cadet is not rated as high, as the Craftsman. The Toro as well, which is a beautiful machine, is not rated as high as the Craftsman as well. Some people I talk to, do not believe in Consumer Reports. But I do feel it does offer some insight, and there must be something to their ratings.

Husquavarna, as well as John Deere got great ratings. It is just that they are costly. There are some machines, such as the John Deere, that I would not be able to probably find on the North Shore of N.B. It is just too small of a market to have every different kind of machine, in a localized easy to find area.

In the end, I chose a Craftsman lawnmower tractor. The Price, and its mid upper range reliability sold me on the machine. It was on sale, saving 400 dollars, and has the E Z shift auto transmission. The E Z auto transmission has no clutch, and it is there on models with a certain HP and up. The shift on the fly machines with the belts, are for the lower HP Machines. I heard they were also fairly reliable, as belts can last 8 years as well. These machines range in 1100 to 3000 plus. Mine was around 2000 dollars. The HPs range from 14.5, 17.5, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, and maybe higher.The overhead valve engine runs cooler, and probably has a pumping and oil filter system. This is when you get into the 21 hp range.  If you look in a Sears catalogue, you will sometimes just find two models listed. It makes me a little frustrated, as I could have only chosen between two machines, without knowing there were other Craftsman models hiding on the net on their web pages.  They should have a message in the catalogue, saying go online to see our other models if these 2 do not suit. Oh well. Nothing is perfect.

So this year, I have a cup holder for my Lawn Tractor. A cold, frosted one might fit inside there. I will not be drenched full of sweat, like in the years before. The only thing, is maybe, just maybe, I will be out of shape more.... I will probably use my push lawnmower (Heavy B*&(#@d) now and then, when it is cool out.

I hope you all have a good day. Yesterday I put out a challenge to get to the 400 level of followers on twitter. I was at around 384. I did achieve 404 Followers. And, I followed 90 % back. There are two bots on there, I think. Have a good day, till next time...


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