Release Date in 2 months time.

The Supermarket Guy II: Rise of the Market Overlord should be available in 2 months time. If all goes well. Two more proofs will be sent to me, and after that, it is a creation. I call them drafts, they call them proofs. First proof may take 4 to 5 weeks. The second comes in a little faster. As earlier, I can make changes but it will cost 25 to initiate just one change, and 2 dollars for each and every other.

I seen a fast track system on their web page for 500 $. I waited this long, I might as well wait as well. More bad news, is that my books did not sell in Moncton Chapters. This is a definite devastating blow to creating any more books in the series. I do not know where they are positioned, either. They will throw them in the dust bin, if I do not retrieve them in 30 days. They do this will all books on consignment. So they say. Maybe the book was not well seen. It could be where they put the book in the store. Up this way in Bathurst, I nearly sold out. But, Chapters is wall to wall books. Big sellers to the hilt. Mine is like a needle in a haystack.

It is no secret, that my kind of book does worse than the teck books, the vampire, and fantasy stuff. It  is just the way the cookie crumbles. My cold is doing better, as my cough is now reduced to a few huffs every hour now. Thank goodness. I hope you all have a good day, till next time..


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