Star Acadamie sold out times 2.

The Star Acadamie music production is sold out in Bathurst New Brunswick, for two nights in a row. They added a third concert, to help with the demand. This is for the musical production that is from Quebec, and is in the format of an American Idol.

This year they truly had some spectacular singers. Lionel Ritchie was on last night, singing with the 4 women left, 3 who were to be eliminated that night.

I went to the doctor tonight, and I explained him the situation of my other two visits to the doctor. Once again, he put his stethoscope on my lungs, and noted there was some constriction there. He gave me some antibiotics for 8 days. And then directed me to continue taking puffers. I hope this does the trick.

Besides that, no news on the book front. In a week or two, I will be recieving Part 2, the first proof of "The Rise Of The Market Overlord".  I cannot wait until it is released.  I am anxious to also look at the first proof, to see if they or I missed any errors.

I hope you all have a good night, your coughing blogger, Till then...


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