Striped Bass in the Bay of Chaleur

Far as I know, it is illegal to fish striped bass in the Bay of Chaleur. Striped bass are fish you can see at the bottom of the water outlets. They tell me they are a predator fish, and that they can eat salmon smolts. The Federal government has put a ban on fishing them. They thing is, is when they grow in numbers, they do pick on other species of fish. And, do they ever get big. We seen them in some warm water inlets at at least 3 to 4 feet long.  With special glasses and a beautiful sunny day, you can see them pretty well, lurking on the bottom of inlets on a warm sunny day.

Some can grow to 6.6 feet. The Federal government protects the species, as they are labelled as an endangered species.  People were saying that the Striped bass population is high in the Bay of Chaleur, and that maybe in certain areas the Federal Government should lift the ban. Hopefully the fisheries will weight in, and see if the numbers did increase. If so, we need to know what effect they do have on salmon populations, as the salmon is an important industry here in the North as well. Not only for tourism, but for guides, and outfitters.

In Jacquet River N.B., they do have a Salmon interpretation center. Here, the salmon come up to spawn in late July. There, you can get a tour of the salmon gated facility, where the salmon are locked in. They are allowed to go up a few at a time in order to spawn. This way, they are protected and monitored for study. It is a small but beautiful river.

Well, nothing new for now on the book front. I hope you all have a good day.  Till next time..


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