Wishing everyone a very Wonderful Christmas!

Just want to wish everyone on Blogger, and visiting people, a very Merry Christmas!

This year has been a tough year for myself, personally. Losing a father, and another dear family member, made it for me personally a hard year of reflection.

With Part 4 still on the shelf and not in production, was the result of poor sales and a disinterest by the general public for my writings.

For 2016, the New Year awaits, and will not try to predict things as 2015 was one of the worst years I had ever past in my life. But, from these terrible tragedies and sadness in life, it is either we are made more tough or made more braver to face any other tragedy, failure, or any other bad news life may throw at us.

For now, I am thankful, for personal health and the abilities that I do take for granted, and I want to wish happiness and joy for all and those who do have it tough out there.

I think of you this Christmas, only wishing for a better one for all.


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