Heliconiums New Year Resolution

Heliconium was at the local dance hall, twisting and shouting until he ripped his pants straight from his belt buckle right around and up to the back of his back buckle.

The disco lights shone down on him all of a sudden, as all the women giggled and laughed in hysteria. He was getting awfully close to a threesome New Years Eve kiss with Martigla and Ungula, the beautiful blond and brunette of the ball respectively, but not even his hands covering the front and back of his pants while doing a little two step could make any magic happen.

Immediately, Grandma Heliconium flung up her old style microphone with the electric cord and wrapped it several times around the dazzling disco ball as she sang "Crazy, crazy nights" by Kiss, The song thus ended, as she swept down from the large stage, and took out her needle and thread.

She flung Heliconium down on the floor and hollered "Start break dancing, remember that routine I showed you at the seniors home when I took an overdose of high blood pressure pills. I will start repairing your pants on the fly!"

Heliconium began doing a poor job of the belly flop, as the whole crowd of dancers circled around the two, as Grandma could not see without her binocular style glasses in the darkness.

A large ouch, meow, and moo came out of a shouting and much in pain Heliconium. She was threading the needle not only through the fabric, but through his flesh as well.

Finally it was done, and on one was the wiser at this awesome New Years Ball. Grandma got up and stopped her pretend helicopter moves on top of her grandson Heliconium.

Heliconium whispered to her, as Martigla and Ungula picked him up from the floor.

"You saved my dance routine, and maybe my New Years duel kiss event with this hot babes!"

Grandma took the mic back and before singing whispered back "Remember, your New Years resolution. Start wearing paint on pants. Your horse driven washer is just too geared too damn fast for them cheap clothes of yours!"

Heliconium looked up at the disco ball, and proudly let out "Painted pants for me, this New Year! No more buying pants! If the women can do it, darn it, so can I!"

Grandma nodded, as she began singing the last minute New Years song, "You are a pecular one, son!"

And, Heliconium stuck out his 10 inch long tongue and began licking the faces of Ulgula and Martigla, but once he busted a zit on Martiglas face it blew off a chunk of his tongue.

It was the end of a super night!

Happy New Year to all my fans!


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