3rd revision sent back. Off to the presses.

3 rd revision sent back. It appears the errors that were still true and blue, are now erased and clear. When the hard copy arrives, I will still read through it again and make sure it is of high quality. I do not care if I have to stop the printing presses, and recall the book to make changes again.

It should be good, as the errors that they missed and that I had created during some changes in sentence work that I had made, have been fixed. It is always good to get a second reader, to read through it again and again in order to ensure there are no errors that exist.

Thing is that I am alone. No one in my family lives close by, and the ones that do live close by are probably not interested in reading that much to do a recheck on my work. Everyone got different interests, and I do not blame them. Then there is the reliability factor. It could take them a month to read it. Then there is the busy factor. Everyone is busy these days.

The editing done by my publishing company did iron out allot of the problems I had with grammar and spelling, for that matter. But I still made changes to the text myself, to make things flow a little better.

As I had said before, I could continue to add humor, pages and pages of it. If I continue to open it up, it could have even had a different ending. I was thinking of offering a different ending.. But, it has to go into a certain direction. Part 4, if I am lucky enough to create such a thing, needed the book to end in a certain way. Maybe someday I will be privileged enough to reveal the 2nd ending I had in mind for Part 3. I guess a Part 4 could have used that ending as well. I would have just had to change the beginning of Part 4, to make sure it all meshed together.. Wikipedia tells us that even Charles Dickens with his 1960s novel 'Great Expectations', had alternate endings... That two versions of the book were printed...

Till next time...


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