2 weeks ready to print.

In two weeks, the book should be ready to print. Near that time, Amazon, Barnes, ect will have the ability to order up this zany continuation of the series.

I had phoned my publishing company to ensure it was on track. I was worried that it could be delayed, as I did not see any updates in my e mail box.  Sometimes they do get truly busy, and possibly forget to e mail, but I leave it to no chance. I needed to know how far the process was, as there were times in the past where a second pass was thought to have been sent in, and was not. For days on end, the work on my book sat idle, and I had lost some precious time. It was my fault, as it did not get past my antivirus network. I had to arrange the file differently, to get it to the market. So to speak. With Part 2, it was difficult at times, as when I thought I sent some things out, it just landed in my outbox, ready to send but not sending. This is why  now, I always double check my e mails and such to see if it has arrived. Usually the publishing house is pretty good at sending a confirmation e mail. This past while though, they did forget to send me a confirmation e mail. All the while, I thought Part 3 could be in limbo again. Or in the twilight zone. So I decided to phone them up, and all was alright.

That happened with Part 2. With this book, I tried to stay home when I knew the approximate time it was coming around to approve something or to revise something.. So it appears I will be able to order some books within two weeks time. I can hardly wait...

Till next time...


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